The Resilient Design Institute, collaborating with Mary Ann Lazarus, FAIA, of MALeco in St. Louis, Candace Pearson, of BuildingGreen in Brattleboro, and the Wood Group in Portland, Maine, wrote Washington, DC’s Resilient Design Guidelines. Completed in 2020, these Guidelines were developed for Washington, DC’s Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) as part of the City’s Climate Ready DC program. Alex Wilson led this effort and was the primary author of much of the document.
The Guidelines focus on two climate-related vulnerabilities facing the City—flooding, exacerbated by sea level rise, and extreme heat—with an additional focus on power outages, which can be caused by a wide range of natural and anthropogenic disasters. Included are three primary sections: Understanding Vulnerabilities in the District; Applying Resilience in the District; and Resilient Design Strategies.
The primary target audience of the Resilient Design Guidelines is municipal officials involved with schools and other municipal facilities in the District—and design firms involved with those projects. The Guidelines were written, however, to also serve a broader audience of developers and designers of any facility in the District.
If your city or community is interested in developing a set of resilient design strategies, please reach out to alex@resilientdesign.org .