For the past several years, I’ve been teaching the online course, Resilient Design, through Boston Architectural College (BAC). The eight-week course runs from October 26 through December 18, 2015 and is limited to 15 students. It’s a great opportunity to dig into the issues of resilience at both a building scale and a community scale and to participate in in-depth online discussions.
The course is offered through BAC’s Sustainable Design Institute and earns 1.5 credits that can be used towards a Masters in Design Studies or simply taken as continuing education.
Here’s the course description from BAC:
Resilience is the ability of a system to bounce back from disruptions or interruptions. As climate change advances, we will face increased storm intensity, flooding, heat waves, drought, and wildfire, while terrorism or political strife could result in extended power outages and interruptions in heating or transportation fuels. To prepare for these risks, buildings and communities should be designed to be more resilient. This online course will examine both the context for resilience and practical strategies for achieving resilient buildings and communities. Elements include the siting of buildings and infrastructure to protect against flooding, land-use planning to ensure functionality in the event of gasoline shortages, high-performance building designs that will maintain livable conditions during extended power outages or loss of heating fuel, water supply and delivery options for times of drought or power outages, and renewable energy systems that can function during power outages. All of these measures also contribute to sustainability.
For more on the course, visit the BAC website. Resilient Design is course SUS2046. Use the comment field below to ask questions about the course, and I’ll do my best to respond.
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Along with founding the Resilient Design Institute in 2012, Alex is founder of BuildingGreen, Inc. To keep up with his latest articles and musings, you can sign up for his Twitter feed. To receive e-mail notices of new blogs, sign up at the top of the page.
Hi: I audited Alex’s course a few years ago and highly recommend it for anyone interested in deep dive on this topic.
Mary Ann Lazarus
In response to a query about discounts today, I was copied on this message to a potential student:
Continuing Education students may enroll for classes directly through the BAC’s website (https://selfservice.the-bac.edu/selfservice/Home.aspx), or by completing and remitting a registration form (www.the-bac.edu/Documents/Departments/Registrar/2015/Course_Registration_Form%20CE%20and%20Cert.pdf). This form may be remitted via email to the registrar (registrar@the-bac.edu). For information regarding tuition and pricing I invite you to visit our website. Only those students that have completed a degree or certificate program through the BAC are eligible for a discount. If you are an alumni of the BAC, you should complete the registration form, as the online system does not allow for discounts.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Joseph DiDonato
Associate Registrar
Boston Architectural College